Hottest videos and trends on The site is entertaining, especially since you can spend hours on it looking at tons of free video content in a variety of categories like music, sports, news, TV shows, stunts, and much more.
This site happens to be one of the most popular as well as useful video interface. It has gained popularity due to its fast search options which gives results many times as that of other video portals. Combining the search or browsing experience of some of the most popular portals, the smartly categorized videos make sorting out easy. There is also a general search option available and videos can be filtered using category, tag, and channel filters.
It even has refining by user options which is a concept very new to video sharing sites. The site has free videos as well as rented videos, ones you subscribe to and ones that you can buy, and also with varying quality with ranges like fair, good and excellent visual. The video lengths such as short, medium, and long can also be used for browsing purposes. They have options for bookmarking the site and you can also tell-a-friend.
The figures telling us the number of times the video has been viewed is very helpful in deciding the nature, quality and popularity of the video. The most recent, most relevant, and top rated video links are available so that you can find these easily and quickly. This site hosts thousands of titles and all of them can be viewed for free, viewable online on Windows as well as on Macintosh PCs. With users from all around the world, this site has grown to be one of the most diverse video sharing websites with many of their videos being professional in nature as well as home videos and amateur podcasts being submitted.
The movies have picture previews hence catering to the needs of the audience, offering search boxes to browse the many categories available and accommodating more than 50 search results in a single page. They also allow you to comment on videos that other users have put on the site and you can have your videos commented on too. The site has been well designed for you to browse easily and find the top music videos, best news stories, highest rated videos, or most interesting stunts displayed. The videos are rated for their content and quality and also the number of times it has been viewed. You can also see the most recent videos by looking at the time of uploading that is next to every video display.
This site is an amazing place to find anything you want for free. This is truly the beginning of bigger and better things and with millions of videos being uploaded and viewed every day, it is no surprise that this has become the biggest and best video interface on the World Wide Web. If you want the absolute hottest and trendiest videos that are professional and of perfect quality, then is the ultimate place to find just what you are looking for from news stations like CNN to YouTube podcasts and TV networks like ABC.
Avi Wolfsonis author of this article on Free bookmark. Find more information about Top music videos here.