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Want to Give Elizabeth Taylor a Piece of Your Action

Who wouldn't want to play slots with Elizabeth Taylor, Bob Denver, Drew Carey and other celebrities? Celebrity-oriented slot machines are a popular trend. The machines even talk to you in the voices of the celebrities. Drew Carey will insult you so you love it. Cool, huh? Not so fast. These celebrities are public figures but they own the rights to their own names, images and voices.

That means means they do not allow slot machines to use their names without their permission -- which they don't give for free. You can bet your life on that. Let's face it: the celebrities who do this, are not currently Grade A box office hits.

Elizabeth Taylor made some great movies, but when did the last one come out? I don't know, but it was a long time and many marriages ago. Bob Denver is still a hero to fans of THE DOBIE GILLIS SHOW and GILLIGAN'S ISLANDS. When you play a celebrity-oriented slot machine, they get a percentage.

Is that a bad thing? After all, you and I wouldn't give casinos the right to use our names and voices for free, would we? Of course not. But money the casinos must pay to celebrities is money they don't get to keep as profit. Just ask yourself. If you were a casino and you had to mail a check to a celebrity, would you rather send your money -- or money that used to belong to your customers? Not a tough question, eh? Then think about this -- you also have a lot of ordinary slot machines that do NOT require you to mail a check to a celebrity. You know you don't have to encourage your customers to play the celebrity-oriented machines, because they're so much fun to play that casino visitors keep playing just for the experience. Now, given all this, which type of machine would you set looser than the other? Not too difficult to figure out, right? It makes the most sense for casinos to make the least popular slot machines the loosest.

The popular slot machines are going to be played anyway, so why not set them for 90% instead of 99%? Look, if you enjoy pushing Elizabeth Taylor's buttons or hearing Drew Carey put you down, fine. Play those machines. Just realize you're playing for the interactive experience with the recorded voices of the celebrity, not to win money. No, you're sending your hard-earned money to those celebrities. Me, I'd rather watch Elizabeth Taylor in CLEOPATRA.

c 2006 by Richard Stooker Richard will teach you the only real ways to win when you gamble: Take Charge Gambling for Winners

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