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Careers in Radio

Do you know know the names of all of the most famous sports announcers by heart? Do you find yourself calling the plays at your high school football game? Do you often take on the assignment of DJ at your friends' parties? Knowing sports is important for success as a sports anchor person, just like knowledge about music is key to being a DJ. Sports announcers can report live from the dugouts and benches as the coaches and players develop strategy that often determines the vital winning strategies. You mihgt even get to interview famous professional athletes when you do in-depth interviews as part of your sportscast. Or, do you want to learn to be a DJ because you like the idea of having your own radio show -- playing the hit songs, joking around, announcing new record titles? DJs often interview recording artists and movie stars.

Radio personalities get paid for public appearances to help promote the station. Being a DJ means you might even become famous. Or, you might be better at delivering the news. As a news person you will also be involved in on the spot news bulletins, often at the actual scene of where news happends. And as a prominent member of your community, you must attend civic and special meetings where important issues are debated. And you had better like politics, because come election time, you'll be in the thick of it reporting on the top candidates.

Learn how to be a sportscaster, DJ or a news announcer, isn't all that easy. Radio jobs are in high demand so it is easier to get a job at a smaller radio station. The proven best way to get a job is via a mentor program or school that offers professional mentors who can help get you a job. Earnings are often higher in larger cities than in small towns in the U.

S. According to the 2006 US Bureau of Labor Statistics, half of all radio and television announcers—and some of them were DJs—earned between $8.10 and $18.62 an hour. 10 percent of the lowest paid earned less than $6.55.

10 percent made more than $32.98 an hour. Announcers held about 71,000 jobs. 30 percent of these workers are in broadcasting, mainly in radio and television stations, with 17 percent working in the motion picture, video, and sound recording businesses.

Behind the scenes there are also plenty of other jobs at a radio station -- digital recording, editing, and broadcasting has changed the work of broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators. Today's technicians must learn skills for computer software and networking. The important thing is that if you want to learn how to be a DJ or get a job in radio, you need to learn from a working professional - a mentor who can teach you all the inside tips and tricks.

Kristin Gabriel works with the Los Angeles radio school known as the Radio Connection, Inc., a fully accredited academic institution certified by the National Private Schools Accreditation Alliance. The school provides educational apprentice programs for the film, radio, television and the music recording industries in more than 100 cities in 50 states. The Radio Connection school provides the entertainment industry with graduate apprentices and entry level employees.

Contests and Sweepstakes

Softball Olympic Sport No Longer - Softball has been around since a man named George Hancock first invented the game in 1887 in Chicago.

Different Types of Fantasy Football Leagues - Interest in fantasy football is growing by leaps and bounds.

Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Games - Since the birth of the internet, online games have been keeping thousands of people entertained worldwide.

Nana Korobi Ya Oki Times Down Times Up Success Secrets from the Martial Art of Ninjutsu - On the left lapel of every adult student here at Warrior Concepts, there is a patch bearing the Japanese kanji character 'NIN.

Big Game Hunting Network Bears in Russia and United States Will They Survive The Global Warming - Big game hunting networks are set up all over the world.


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