Camping A good number of people who live in the UK had their first experience of camping when they were cubs or brownies, and sometimes if they belonged to a local youth club. For some this was a great experience that they decided to continue later in life, while for others it put them off that sort of camping for years. If they tried it again now, they would probably find it was a great deal more enjoyable than those group camping exercises. If you have never been camping at all or at least never been camping as an adult; then it might be worth your while giving it a try ? even if only for a weekend. Tents and other camping gear is a lot more sophisticated than it used to be, and camping sites are far more user friendly with toilets and shower blocks. Once you have decided that you want to spend a few days camping then you should do some research to find an appropriate camping site.
First time campers might want to book somewhere that is not too far from home then if they don't like it there is not a long return journey to consider. After you have booked your space on a camp site the next thing to do is make a camping checklist. Put down everything you can think of to start with, including a tent if you don't already have one. There are plenty of good tents on the market today and they come in all shapes and sizes. It might be a bit more expensive than other tents but try to find one that is easy to erect and has sufficient space to store both your other gear, as well as you and your party. You don't want to be rummaging around in your vehicle every time you need to use something.
Sleeping bags are another must, as is a waterproof ground sheet. If you prefer to sleep on a camp bed then there is a lot of choice nowadays, just make sure there is enough storage space in your vehicle. You can now get some really good camping stoves, and even grills, you'll also want all the other cooking utensils, such as a kettle, crockery and cutlery as well as saucepans and a frying pan.
You might also want to invest in some camping chairs so that if the evening is nice you can sit outside the tent and eat. Always take some books and games, especially if you have children with you. Take enough food for the first day and then stock up on supplies at the camp shop next morning ? always make sure that you have plenty of water, especially if you decide to go for a long walk. Other camping must haves include a good strong knife, some warm clothing, a strong lamp that throws out plenty of light ? especially if you have to cross to the loos in the dark. Last but not least you will need a simple first aid kit that includes plasters, sunscreen, insect repellent and antiseptic cream. There are probably more things on your list but if you have these basics then you should have an enjoyable camping trip.
Jeremy Miller is the author of this article on Camping. Find more information about Camping here.